Parts Integration & Freedompreneurship with Ellany Lea

Do you ever feel at war within yourself? Do you often ask, "Why am I here? Who am I? Where is home? How do I be free?" – if so, then Parts Integration is for you.

Based on a fusion of Sacred Archetypes, Jungian Archetypes, and Internal Family Systems, Parts Integration is a journey to integrating all your Parts into a harmonious whole. Harmony is Freedom.

As you build your business, practice freedompreneurship, and birth your masterpiece, Parts Integration can offer peace in the mind, joy in the heart, awe in the body, and/or nectar in the soul. 

Parts Integration students have reported: 

  • It opened my eyes to who is truly captaining the ship of my business!
  • I felt so much more aligned with my decisions (mind-knowing), reactions (heart-knowing), behaviors (body-knowing) and spirit (soul-knowing).
  • It's like I suddenly became more inspiring and magnetic to clients, without "doing" anything.
  • I feel so good knowing that by knowing myself, I'm protecting my creative longevity.
  • I'm so much clearer how I want to do business MY WAY, so that it's sustainable for me and my lifestyle.
  • I can finally pinpoint "Why do I keep prolonging my own suffering?" :P
  • I walk through the world with an increased sense of safety, and even bounce.

If you seek perennial freedom, join us for an honest and hilarious exploration of the beloved and not-so-beloved Parts within all of us. 

We will reserve plenty of time for reflection and Q&A.

Key Workshop Takeaways

  • You’ll understand the Five Stages of Parts Integration
  • Name all your Parts
  • Identify the light and shadow aspect of each Part
  • Understand and identify combo-Parts 
  • Understand and identify combo-aspects
  • Source Parts and aspects as needed and create new combos

ICF Credits

If you are working towards attaining or maintaining your ICF credential, when you complete this workshop you will receive a certificate for 90 minutes of Resource Development.


About Your Host

Ellany Lea, PCC, CPCC, CDTLF, CDWF, is a Phoenix Whisperer, Genius Sanctuary, Masterpiece Doula and Freedompreneurship Coach.

She has lived, died and traveled through 131 countries, 87 emotions, 46.5 traumas, 16 career reinventions, 0 alcohol, 0 drugs, 0 pharma, and 0 coffee.

On even days, she wakes up wondering, "How am I even still alive?" On odd days, she wakes up grunting, "Aw crap. Still here."

Sought for her joyful guidance, inspiring stories, deep wisdom, clear structures, and co-creative power, Ellany champions women overachievers, phoenixes, wisdom keepers, and entrepreneurs to free her genius, so it frees the world.

Peanut butter and jelly socks are her favorite object on planet Earth. She can finish Super Mario Bros 3 in one sitting. And if sleeping were an Olympic sport, she'd sweep all the medals.

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